Over the years we’ve become more educated on the idea that flat feet don’t just pop out of nowhere. We have come to realize that flat feet are a combination of genetics and environmental factors such as the surfaces we most commonly walk on which in most cases are nice flat slabs of concrete.
The following might be an indication that you have flat feet:
Collapsed arch

Wearing patterns in shoes similar to that below

Pain in the knees and back

Pain in the heel of the foot often felt in the first few steps of the morning

These symptoms may not be obvious as of right now but over time when the body wears away, these issues become more and more evident especially if a person’s biomechanics are out of alignment. In many cases people wait till these issues stop them from doing the activities they enjoy such as sports, walking the dog, running and much more which is disappointing because we don’t see people waiting till their completely blind before they get their eyes checked. When it comes to feet, the smallest changes in the structure of the foot can cause many problems that will not correct themselves, this is why it’s important to consult a specialist as soon as any of the above-mentioned symptoms arise.
Podiatrists have been trained to analyze a person’s walking/running patterns with respect to the structure of their feet in order to correct any deformities that may lead to further complications down the track. A biomechanical assessment at your local Podiatrist can reveal to you cause of the pain you’re getting and return you to the activities you love by giving you a personal custom rehab plan that will encourage the feet to work the way they should be.
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